Other Writing
Published Writing
The Optimist, Unbound, 2021 (Novel)
"Happy ever the optimist", Grazia (UK), July 2017 (Feature)
"How I Found my voice", We heart writing, may 2017 (Essay)
"The Gymnast": Kugelmass, A Journal of Literary Humor, Issue 3, 2012 (Short Story)
Excerpt from The Gymnast:
The minute I met Doug, though, I realized what the fuss was about. All I wanted to do was to play house with him. To feed each other slices of that fake plastic pizza and chomp the air together, moaning in delight as our eyes locked upon each other with unabating affection. It's ridiculous how good that plastic tastes when you know how to hone your imagination. "Did you make this?" he'd ask me, to which I would happily and coyly reply, "I'm glad you like it. I used all organic ingredients." I'd purposely use the word "organic" so he'd think of the Earth because images of the Earth lead to thoughts of primitivism. Once I'd get him there, he wouldn't need any more handholding.
"Interview For The Position In My Heart", The Big Jewel, 2014 (Short Story)
Excerpt from Interview For The Position In My Heart:
If you were interviewing for a position within My Heart, I’d say, “Tell me your credentials and give me examples of your work ethic.” You’d list all the things you did in the past that prove you’re good at working in the heart but you’d admit, shyly, that although you liked those places, those hearts, you just didn’t feel they were environments within which your true potential could flourish, and that’s what brought you to My Heart. You’d believe you were the right candidate for the position and say, “I want the full-time management position of your heart.” I’d say, “Wow, I’m happy to hear that, but can you elaborate?” and you’d tell me that you are so confident in your ability to manage My Heart that you’d bet that no one else out there could perform better, that you just need the opportunity and you’d bring everything you have. Then you’d smile and add, “I’ll even throw in some data analysis,” and so I’d say, “Great, we need a data analyst.”
"The Savoy”, Metazen, 2012 (Short Story)
"The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Porn Stars", FORTH Magazine, 2010 (Essay)
"Will Alexander On A Nexus Of Phantoms", FORTH Magazine, 2010 (Interview with Poet Will Alexander)
"The Purple Puddle", FORTH Magazine, 2010 (Short Story)
"Strangers In The Night: Speed Dating in LA -Part 1", FORTH Magazine, 2010 (Essay)
"A Visceral Affair", FORTH Magazine, 2009 (Short Story)
"The Return Of Scud: The Disposable Assassin", FORTH Magazine, 2009 (Interview with Dir. Rob Schrab)
"Stolen Eggs", One For The Table, 2011 (Essay)
"How To Stop Your Relationship From Getting Dill", One For The Table, 2011 (Fictional Essay)